• Since 1996, DAPP Malawi has been actively improving livelihoods and communities in need across Malawi through its social development projects.

  • DAPP is implementing 16 projects within education, health, agriculture and community development in 24 districts that span across the country's three regions

Case Stories

February 01, 2021
Case Stories

Case Story: Kondwani Majiyaheni

January 22, 2021
Case Stories

Case Story: Fedson Selewin

September 02, 2020
Case Stories

Case Story – John Banda

June 15, 2020
Case Stories

Passionate for her Learners - Temwa

June 04, 2020
Case Stories

Case Story: Elizabeth Makhaya

April 01, 2020
Case Stories

Case Stories: Chifundo Milonda

March 23, 2020
Case Stories

Knowledge Kameza

February 15, 2020
Case Stories

Case story – David Lameck

November 24, 2019
Case Stories

Case story – Olivia Mbewe

November 06, 2019
Case Stories

Case Story – Eliza Adam

November 04, 2019
Case Stories

Case Story: Nickson Somola

October 12, 2019
Case Stories

Case Story – Luwiza Smart

July 29, 2019
Case Stories

Case Story – Maggie Chizinga

June 07, 2019
Case Stories

Case Story – Peter Kankhonya

May 29, 2019
Case Stories

Case Story - Monica Patrick

May 07, 2019
Case Stories

Case Story – Dora Chituanga

April 29, 2019
Case Stories

Case story – Innocent Brown

April 15, 2019
Case Stories

Case Story – Gladys Enock

February 22, 2019
Case Stories

Case Story - Brenda Lita

February 15, 2019
Case Stories

Case Story – Gusto Sikelo

February 01, 2019
Case Stories

Case story - Margret Manyungwa

January 28, 2019
Case Stories

Case Story – Dannie Dzodzi

January 17, 2019
Case Stories

Case Story – Ireen David

December 18, 2018
Case Stories

Case Story – Flaxon Richard

December 12, 2018
Case Stories

Case story: Trizza Chibambo

December 11, 2018
Case Stories

Case Story - Mary Chinkhuni

September 01, 2018
Case Stories

Case Story: Stella Mangasi - my dreams unfolding

February 19, 2018
Case Stories

Case Story: Stanley Kachidowo

January 19, 2018
Case Stories

Case Story: Lydia Chilobwe

May 29, 2017
During the 2016 Non-Governmental (NGO) Week held at Masintha Ground in Lilongwe, Victoria was invited to showcase some of her designs as one way of inspiring youth and exhibiting the skills she had learnt at Mikolongwe Vocational School and during internship
Case Stories

Case Story: Victoria Amidu

Members of Humana People to People

hpp logowww.humana.org

Contact DAPP Malawi

DAPP Malawi
Plot No. CC 1086, Maselema, Limbe
Blantyre District, Malawi

Cell: +265885834277

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