• Since 1996, DAPP Malawi has been actively improving livelihoods and communities in need across Malawi through its social development projects.

  • DAPP is implementing 16 projects within education, health, agriculture and community development in 24 districts that span across the country's three regions

Case Story - Mary Chinkhuni

Mary, one of the newly enrolled tailoring students at DAPP Dowa teachers training college believes this is a dream come true and life changing experience.

“I have always dreamt of being a fashion designer. When I finished my form 4 in 2017, I was hoping to find a place which was affordable for me to pursue my dreams. Then one day, I heard from our Village headman that DAPP Dowa TTC is enrolling adolescent girls and young women in a 3 months tailoring course.” Says Mary

She didn’t waste time and immediately told her parents of this opportunity and on the 19th of August 2018, she found herself at DAPP Dowa satellite center ready to embark on this journey which will draw her closer to her dreams.

Mary Chinkhuni

Mary Chinkhuni

Mary And Her Classmates Perfoming Through Music

Mary And Her Classmates Perfoming Through Music

Being the last born in a family of 3, Mary, who hails from Besele Village in Traditional Authority Nsakambewa, Dowa, didn’t think that this opportunity would come so soon “I come from a home which is not well to do. My parents are farmers and they hardly make enough money to take care of my siblings and I. for this reason, I knew that tuition fees would be a challenge for them even if I was selected to go to a fashion design school. But I thank God for DAPP and this course. It is so affordable that when my parents heard that all I have to pay is MWK6, 500 for the course, they too couldn’t believe it. I was so glad that my parents could afford it” she concluded.

The students are taught how to sew 8 items which include; a school dress, petticoat, shorts, a skirts, caftan, a baby dress, a T-shirt and a national wear. “Our instructors are very patient, loving and caring. They really want us to learn. Honestly, they inspire me to do better and to believe that I can one day be as good as they are at designing clothes” exclaims Mary.

Mary dreams of being a role model for others in her village and share her skills and knowledge with them. She believes that she will one day be a very successful designer and a job creator for those who are struggling to get jobs. “I am so excited for my future, I know that from here, things can only get better for me” she says.

DAPP Malawi works with Sympany from the Netherlands to ensure that adolescent girls and women from villages that surround DAPP Teachers training colleges are empowered with tailoring skills so that they become self-reliant members of society.

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Contact DAPP Malawi

DAPP Malawi
Plot No. CC 1086, Maselema, Limbe
Blantyre District, Malawi

Cell: +265885834277

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