• Since 1996, DAPP Malawi has been actively improving livelihoods and communities in need across Malawi through its social development projects.

  • DAPP is implementing 16 projects within education, health, agriculture and community development in 24 districts that span across the country's three regions

Case Story – Peter Kankhonya

Peter Kankhonya hails from Chikwaza village in Thyolo district and is one of the Chikowa club members under DAPP Farmers club macadamia project in Thyolo district.

Through the project’s extension workers, he and his fellow club members have been trained by “their” Farming Instructor in Macadamia farming and garden farming. Through the training Peter has acquired various basic skills to be part of conserving the environment such as constructing fire wood saving stoves.

Mr. Kankhonya

Mr. Kankhonya

Some farmers under the Macademia Project

Some farmers under the Macademia Project

Mr Kankhonya says he has also been trained on the 2 cropping seasons which are rain fed and winter farming and leant topics including land preparations and planting, pest and disease control and harvesting.

“Taking good care of macadamia trees, the importance of Village saving and loan groups as well as hygiene and sanitation techniques have been taught to us,” he says.

“The project has really improved my life and that of my family economically. I will be selling the Macadamia nuts for 45 years. My vision is to see my children achieve their education goals and I will use part of the nuts proceeds to send them school. I thank DAPP Malawi for bringing such kind of project to my area and also to the farming Instructors for giving us such kind of trainings, lessons and skills,” he said.

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Contact DAPP Malawi

DAPP Malawi
Plot No. CC 1086, Maselema, Limbe
Blantyre District, Malawi

Cell: +265885834277

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