• Since 1996, DAPP Malawi has been actively improving livelihoods and communities in need across Malawi through its social development projects.

  • DAPP is implementing 16 projects within education, health, agriculture and community development in 24 districts that span across the country's three regions

Deputy Director in Ministry of Finance Commend DAPP for Strides in Child Aid Project

The DAPP Child Aid project in Machinga district together with the DAPP Social Development Fund (SDF) organized a project visit where partners had a chance to appreciate the project’s progress to date.
Started in November 2017, the project is being implemented in three Traditional Authorities of Liwonde, Mlomba and Nsamala in Machinga district with funding from the DAPP Social Development Fund.
The aim is for communities to get organized with a mutual goal of creating conducive environments in which to raise their children through promotion of sanitation and hygiene, nutrition and environmental conservation.

A child washes hands on a tippy-tap

A child washes hands on a tippy-tap

A vegetable garden established in at one of the households

A vegetable garden established in at one of the households

On 22 June 2018, the SDF Committee hosted Deputy Director in the Ministry of Finance, Machinga District Gender Officer, the Machinga District Education Manager (DEM), representatives from World Food Program, Plan International, the DAPP Finance Director as well as the Head of Economy and Administration.
Following project briefs, the team visited Makuluni and Ngalukanika villages in Traditional Authorities Mlomba and Nsamala respectively where they appreciated the hygiene and sanitation activities in the village with all households having hand washing facilities, well constricted toilets with drop hole covers, dish racks, rubbish pits and firewood saving stoves.

The Deputy Director in the Ministry of Finance Alfred Katengule commended DAPP for the project indicating that the results are already being seen which shows that people on the ground are also working. He therefore called for DAPP to ensure that there are follow ups even after the project has phased out to ensure sustainability in the sanitary activities.

Community performances during the visit

Community performances during the visit

DAPP Head of Economy and Administration briefing guest about the project

DAPP Head of Economy and Administration briefing guest about the project

Speaking during the visit to his area, Traditional Authority Nsanama said he is satisfied with how DAPP is working in the area and he promised that even after the project phases out in October the people in his area will still be able to maintain the standards the people have seen.
DAPP Malawi is also implementing Child Aid projects in Zomba and Neno district where apart among others families are being trained to provide nutritious meals to their children for them to grow.

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Contact DAPP Malawi

DAPP Malawi
Plot No. CC 1086, Maselema, Limbe
Blantyre District, Malawi

Cell: +265885834277

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