• Since 1996, DAPP Malawi has been actively improving livelihoods and communities in need across Malawi through its social development projects.

  • DAPP is implementing 16 projects within education, health, agriculture and community development in 24 districts that span across the country's three regions

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  • 400 Primary Schools Techers Get Into Using Spine Materials in Senior Classes

400 Primary Schools Techers Get Into Using Spine Materials in Senior Classes

The network of DAPP graduated teacher also known as 400 Primary Schools who are working in government primary schools meet regularly to plan and evaluate their work before and after every school term during what is called a Production Camp.
The network comprise of teachers who volunteer and commit themselves to actively modernize their practice as primary school teachers and spread their practice to the school environments.
The Production Camp that took place from 23rd to 26th August 2017 at DAPP Chilangoma TTC in Blantyre involved reporting on previously set goals, use of supplementary materials (also known as Spines in the network) in senior classes, waste management and improving of sanitation and hygiene in schools, production of TALULAR (Teaching and Learning Using Locally Available Resources) materials and establishment of school gardens and their importance.
Spines are teaching materials which the 400 Primary School teachers use as supplementary teaching resources for their learners. They are developed by DAPP Malawi with support from the Humana People to People to help improve the quality of teaching in turn improve the pass rate.

Agness Chipamba Showing Spine Materials

Agness Chipamba Showing Spine Materials

Part Of DAPP Graduated Teachers That Attended The Production Camp

Part Of DAPP Graduated Teachers That Attended The Production Camp

Previously, the 400 Primary School teachers have been using Spines in junior classes of Standard 1 to 4, however, during the Production Camp, the teachers have been oriented on how to use the Spines in senior primary school classes with a teaching demonstration done by one of the teachers Upile Tambala.
One of the teachers Agness Chipamba from Kanjira Primary School in Lilongwe district said she is very confident with using the Spines to teach her learners. She said there have been improvements in her learners’ pass rate since she started using the Spines.
The Project Leader Jimmy Brian Kayange said the Production Camps bring together DAPP gradated teachers who are working in different districts across the country to share their experiences, skills and knowledge in their work.
In addition, teachers work hand in hand with the communities around their schools to get them involved in their children’s education. Open Days are organized where the community members are encouraged to establish vegetable gardens, trees and construct firewood saving stoves in order to fight against climate change.
The network comprise of 86 teachers who are working in 56 primary schools in 16 districts across the country. Of the 54 teachers present during the Production Camp 30 are expected to be teaching in senior classes.
The idea behind the program is to provide the opportunity for teachers graduated from DAPP Teacher Training Colleges to stick together and support each other in improving the school environment, where they are working.

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Contact DAPP Malawi

DAPP Malawi
Plot No. CC 1086, Maselema, Limbe
Blantyre District, Malawi

Cell: +265885834277

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