• Since 1996, DAPP Malawi has been actively improving livelihoods and communities in need across Malawi through its social development projects.

  • DAPP is implementing 16 projects within education, health, agriculture and community development in 24 districts that span across the country's three regions

Empowering Communities: DAPP Malawi's Strides on World Malaria Day 2024

On April 25th, 2024, Development Aid from People to People (DAPP) marked World Malaria Day alongside nations worldwide at a national event held at Nthondo Football Ground in the jurisdiction of Traditional Authority Nthondo, Nthisi District. The event was graced by the presence of the Minister of Health, Hon. Khumbize Kandodo Chiponda, as the guest of honour.

DAPP Malawi showcased its interventions, including case management and social behavioural change, all falling under the "Towards Malaria Elimination (TOME) Project", which is funded by the United States President's Malaria Initiative (PMI).
Richwell Tambuli, team lead for the project, highlighted that DAPP is providing support to enhance malaria service delivery at both facility and community levels. The organisation is actively engaged with 72 health facilities, 235 community village health clinics, and 18 community health action groups in Lilongwe and Salima Districts.

DAPPs Richwell explaining To Minister Chiponda

DAPPs Richwell explaining To Minister Chiponda

Minister Chiponda On DAPP Pavilion

Minister Chiponda On DAPP Pavilion

Tambuli emphasised the focus on malaria in pregnancy (MIP) and under-five children, citing their vulnerability to malaria-related fatalities. DAPP disseminated information about the services provided and sensitised communities on the importance of seeking early treatment upon detecting fever, particularly in under-five children, as a crucial measure.
Moreover, pregnant women were encouraged to attend antenatal services, where they would receive mosquito nets and Intermittent Preventive Treatment in pregnancy 3 (IPTp3+).

Minister Kandodo commended DAPP Malawi for its role in complementing the government's efforts in combating HIV/AIDS, TB, and malaria. She urged for the expansion of these services to other districts, acknowledging the critical need for collaborative efforts in addressing public health challenges.
Malaria remains a significant public health issue in Malawi, with the entire population of 20 million plus at risk of infection. Notably, children under the age of five continue bearing the highest burden of the disease. Malawi accounts for 2% of malaria cases worldwide and is among the top 15 countries with a high malaria burden.

World Malaria Day serves as a reminder of the imperative for sustained investment and political commitment towards malaria prevention and control, a decision taken during the 2007 World Health Assembly by WHO Member States.

New film alert: Early TB Detection: Active Case Finding in Malawi

We are excited to announce the release of ‘Early TB Detection: Active Case Finding in Malawi’ film.

Early TB Detection: Active Case Finding in Malawi is not just a film; it is a testimony from Sailesi Kapalepale, a former TB patient. Through the lens of our cameras, you will witness his courage and perseverance and that of his family and community as they rally together to control TB. Through active case finding, strong linkages between the communities and the health centers, and through fighting stigma and discrimination, we continue to save many lives.

The film features the people working within the TB Local Organizations Network project, funded by USAID and implemented by DAPP Malawi. Covering Mulanje, Machinga and Mangochi districts, the project works in close collaboration with Ministry of Health – through the National TB and Leprosy Control Program. Other partners include KNVC Tuberculosis Foundation and FACT.

Join us in celebrating the individuals who shared their stories, the healthcare workers and volunteers who tirelessly serve their communities, and the partners, who have joined us in Malawi’s fight against TB – your dedication inspires us to continue our work.

Together, let us stand in solidarity and reaffirm this year’s theme, Yes! We can end TB


#TBDay #YesWeCanEndTB #MalawiMatters #USAID #DAPPMw #HPP

Progress Report 2022

22 APR launch fb

We are pleased to present to you our Annual Progress Report, which highlights our achievements, during year 2022. This report serves as a comprehensive overview of our endeavors and progress in fulfilling our mission to improve the lives of the Malawian people.

The 2022 Annual Progress Report showcases the collective efforts of our dedicated team, partners, and supporters in making a positive impact in Education, Vocational Training and Early Childhood Development, Health, Agriculture, Food Security and Environment, and Community Development. Through our unwavering commitment, we have made significant strides towards our goals and continued to strengthen our position in working collaboratively with the people in need.

We invite you to read our full Annual Progress Report on our website by clicking the link below.

DAPP APR 2022 small

Clothes donation in response to Cyclone Freddy

donationsWe donated 2000 emergency package of clothes targeting 10,000 people in the districts of Chiradzulu, Mulanje and Phalombe. The donation targeted households/families and each household received a 7 Kg package of assorted clothes comprise of man, woman and children clothes.

The donation was made possible with the cooperation and guidance from the Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DoDMA) and authorities from the three district councils. With the help of Malawi Landrover Defender Club, we donated the same packages to 4500 people in various camps across Blantyre City. We have great empathy and hope that the donation will help many Malawians who have greatly been affected by the disaster.

Apart from the donation of clothes, DAPP Vocational school in Chiradzulu recently served as an emergency shelter for more than 2,000 people from nearby villages who were severe hit by mudslide.


Finding missing cases in Southern Malawi: A success story


St Martin’s Community Hospital is situated around 25 kms from Mangochi district centre in Southern Malawi. It provides health services, including TB diagnosis and treatment to a population of over 42,000 in 32 communities. In October 2021, Development Aid People to People (DAPP) Malawi started implementing a 3-year project in the districts of Mulanje, Mangochi and Machinga to strengthen the capacity for TB case finding and linkage to treatment. . This project is funded through a Cooperative Agreement with USAID under the TB Local Organization Network-2 and St Martin’s Community Hospital is one of the hospitals benefitting from this project.

Tuberculosis burden

The World Health estimates that 27,000 new TB occurs each year in Malawi. Just 14,380 new TB cases were diagnosed in 2021, representing 53% of the new TB cases. This means that nearly half of the new cases that occurred in 2021 were missed, hence not put on treatment. Finding missing TB cases is essential to achieve the End TB targets by 2035 in Malawi. At the start of the project, DAPP Malawi trained community health workers on the FAST methodology (Find cases Actively, Separate safely & Treat effectively), an administrative approach to infection control that relies on cough surveillance and rapid molecular testing. Four trained FAST promoters (FP) started working at St Martin’s Community Hospital in November 2021.

Project objective: to detect an additional 1,133 TB cases in addition to the baseline in the impact districts.


Picture: FAST promoters and the DAPP Malawi Mangochi District Coordinator at St Martin’s Community Hospital, Malawi


Project Results

As the table below shows, initial results have shown a remarkable increase in the number of additional TB cases being detected at St Martin’s. The project has helped detect 51 cases of TB since it started implementing systematic TB screening activities in October to November 2021. In summary, 39% of all cases in the past four corresponding years have been detected in the one year that the project has been operational.

 Finding missing TB cases in Southern Malawi

Methodology utilised

The trained health workers/FAST Promoters (FP) meet every morning and agree on the responsibilities for each department with each one of them assigned to a specific area to cover. The four areas they work in are: the integration ward (where ante-natal care and nutrition care is provided), HIV care Clinic, Outpatients’ department, and the paediatric ward.
The FAST promoters provide information and education on TB to their clients following which they screen them for TB symptoms. Clients who screen positive for TB symptoms are separated from the rest of care seekers and provided with information on TB, including TB symptoms, transmission, prevention, TB testing, and TB treatment. Sputum mugs along with instructions are provided to the clients and after checking the sputum sample for quality, the FP delivers it to the laboratory for testing.
Presumptive TB clients are recorded in a Presumptive TB register managed by the FPs and reconciled with the clinic Presumptive TB register at the end of each day.
TB Diagnostic tools available at the hospital include GeneXpert platform with four modules, Urine LAM and TB microscopy. The FP checks for results at the end of the day and, if the test has not been conducted, they follow-up with the laboratory to ensure that the sputum sample is tested. On an average, each FP screens 18 clients per day.


The FAST methodology implemented by DAPP Malawi at St Martin’s has drastically increased the number of newly diagnosed TB patients. Before the FAST approach was introduced at St. Martin’s hospital, clients seeking various services at the hospital were not systematically screened for TB and that clients with symptoms of TB freely mingled with everyone else, thereby increasing the risk of TB transmission within the hospital setting.
Despite being preventable and treatable, TB remains one of the world’s leading infectious disease killers, taking the lives of 1.5 million people each year. USAID leads the U.S. Government’s global TB efforts, working with partners around the world, including Malawi, on the shared goals of reaching every person with TB, curing those in need of treatment, and preventing the spread of new infections.

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Contact DAPP Malawi

DAPP Malawi
Plot No. CC 1086, Maselema, Limbe
Blantyre District, Malawi

Cell: +265885834277

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