• Since 1996, DAPP Malawi has been actively improving livelihoods and communities in need across Malawi through its social development projects.

  • DAPP is implementing 16 projects within education, health, agriculture and community development in 24 districts that span across the country's three regions

Child Aid Machinga

The aim of the Child Aid Project in Machinga districts was to improve the life of the children and their families by mobilizing, organizing and training the community on how to improve their own sanitation and living conditions. The project reached 284, 721 people living in 652 villages and within five Traditional Authorities (T/A) of Mlomba, Liwonde, Nsanama, Chamba and Nkula where the project was being implemented.
By December 2018, the project had moved all the 5 T/As to an Open Defecation Free status. The T/As were declared ODF by the National ODF taskforce following a verification exercise conducted by the Machinga district’s Sanitation and Hygiene department.
The project’s fund was implemented with funding from the DAPP Social Development Fund running from 2016 to December 2018.

Members of Humana People to People

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Contact DAPP Malawi

DAPP Malawi
Plot No. CC 1086, Maselema, Limbe
Blantyre District, Malawi

Cell: +265885834277

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