• Since 1996, DAPP Malawi has been actively improving livelihoods and communities in need across Malawi through its social development projects.

  • DAPP is implementing 16 projects within education, health, agriculture and community development in 24 districts that span across the country's three regions

400 Primary Schools Project

The idea behind “400 Primary Schools” is to provide the opportunity for teachers graduated from DAPP Teacher Training Colleges who are working in government primary schools to stick together and support each other in improving the schools, where they are working.
“400 Primary Schools” was started in April 2012 with 18 teachers. Three teachers joined the group of professionals to take part in producing the teaching plans and materials (the Spine). The number of teachers has continued to grow over the years and now the project works with 100 teachers who are working in a18 districts across Malawi.
The teachers participate on a voluntary basis and meet every month at a nearby DAPP Teacher Training College for monthly coordination meetings; to plan and evaluate their work, in addition 2 production camps are held during the year where all teachers meet at one place.
2016 saw the recognition of John Wallis, one of the teachers in the program as an outstanding teacher through the Outstanding Teacher Initiative jointly organized by UNESCO, GIZ and Ministry of Education, Science and Technology.

Members of Humana People to People

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Contact DAPP Malawi

DAPP Malawi
Plot No. CC 1086, Maselema, Limbe
Blantyre District, Malawi

Cell: +265885834277

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