• Since 1996, DAPP Malawi has been actively improving livelihoods and communities in need across Malawi through its social development projects.

  • DAPP is implementing 16 projects within education, health, agriculture and community development in 24 districts that span across the country's three regions

DAPP Chilangoma Teacher Training College

The project idea is to train primary school teachers both female and male for the rural areas of Malawi. The teachers are equipped with various skills that enable them to transform and empower the learners and the rural communities. Besides, the teachers acquire knowledge in modern ways and teach pupils using participatory approaches and methods. Furthermore, the teachers understand learning and skills training not as a technical thing, but as being humanly motivated, demanding responsibility and contribution from each individual, delivered unreserved and with care.

DAPP Chilangoma Teacher Training College started in 2003 as the first DAPP operated college in Malawi. In November 2016, the school graduated its 11th team. The college has a capacity for 194 boarding students.

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Contact DAPP Malawi

DAPP Malawi
Plot No. CC 1086, Maselema, Limbe
Blantyre District, Malawi

Cell: +265885834277

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