• Since 1996, DAPP Malawi has been actively improving livelihoods and communities in need across Malawi through its social development projects.

  • DAPP is implementing 16 projects within education, health, agriculture and community development in 24 districts that span across the country's three regions

Get Involved

Join the Development Instructor Program and work at some of DAPP Malawi's ProjectsHow to Volunteer: If you want to be more involved, Humana People to People and DAPP invites international volunteers to contribute in person through volunteer work at the many projects in Malawi. You can enrol in the Development Instructor Programme. It is 12-months programme including five months training, six months project work and a one month evaluation period. You can contact us via this email  .

To know more about the Development Instructor program and some of the schools that we work with in the training of Development Instructors, you can go to: www.drh-movement.org


Comunity Projects helping families to get a regular income to improve their living standardsGive a donation or become a Partner in Development: You can contribute with donations in cash, or in kind. You can do that by either contacting the project leader at the nearest project or the Partnership Unit at   if you are interested in establishing a more long-term partnership with the organization.




Members of Humana People to People

hpp logowww.humana.org

Contact DAPP Malawi

DAPP Malawi
Plot No. CC 1086, Maselema, Limbe
Blantyre District, Malawi

Cell: +265885834277

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